Oasis Replevin
Recover Property Claimed to Be Unlawfully Taken

Michael J. DaCorta Criminal Trial Review & Commentary


( items)

Day 1 - #1 Voir Dire Play VideoShare
Day 1- #2 Causes of Action Play VideoShare
Day 1: #3 The Counts Play VideoShare
Day 1- #4 The Government's Opening Statement Play VideoShare
Day 1 - #5 Part 1: Defense Opening Statement Play VideoShare
Day 1 - #6 Part 2 of 3: Defense Opening Statement Play VideoShare
Day 1-#7 Part 3 of 3 Defense Opening Statement Play VideoShare
Day 1-#8 Witness Stephen Howland Play VideoShare
Day 2-#1 Witness Patti Katter Play VideoShare
Day 2-#2 Witness Deborah Oremland Play VideoShare
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